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What do we do?

Bucks Maternity & Neonatal Voices is here to ensure that a birthing individuals views and opinions are heard. You may feel that your voice can't make a difference, but we promise it is hugely valued and we are always interested in what you have to say.


Here at Bucks Maternity & Neonatal Voices we :-


  • Listen to and gather feedback from families across the area in a variety of ways, including via our online survey and attending community groups and events. 
  • 'Walk the patch' on the maternity ward and birth centre to gather experiences
  • Support 'Better Births' implementation
  • Work together with relevant staff to co-produce changes and improvements to services
  • Provide 'critical friendship' and accountability within the Trust and the Local Maternity System
  • Attend local and regional events to promote our work and ensure your voices are heard
  • Co-produce development days with the local birth community


We are proud of having a long history of great working relationships and collaboration between staff, families and volunteers and are looking forward to building on this further in the coming months and years.

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